

24/09 - Mathieu Beirlaen*

Inconsistency-adaptive dialogical logic, or how to dialogue sensibly in the presence of inconsistencies

Even when inconsistencies are present, we can sensibly distinguish between good and bad arguments relying on these premises. Not anything goes: the mere presence of inconsistencies does not warrant the inference to any conclusion whatsoever. In order to separate good and bad inferences in the possible presence of inconsistency, we nowadays have a wide range of paraconsistent logics to our disposal.

Many of these logics, however, lack the inferential power and the dynamics to model how we actually treat information tainted by inconsistency. An exception in this respect is Batens’ inconsistency-adaptive approach, in which all rules of classical logic are applicable to those parts of our premise set which we can safely consider untainted by inconsistency, without having to specify beforehand which parts of our premises behave consistently.

In order to bring this dynamic approach to paraconsistency closer to our actual argumentative practice, we use its machinery to extend the paraconsistent approach to dialogical logic as developed by Rahman and Carnielli. This way, we obtain a very powerful formalism for the systematic study of dialogues in which two parties exchange arguments over a central claim, in the possible presence of inconsistent information.

* Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas (IIF) - Universidad National Autonoma de México (UNAM)
Joint work with Matthieu Fontaine (IIF-UNAM)

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